Материал на Кутия: ПВЦ - Вградените ролетни щори допринасят, с по-силна изолация, като това се получава, поради факта, че те се монтират върху профила на дограмата и след това има възможност да се изолира допълнително, по желание на клиета или изискванията на обекта.
Вградените ролетните щори са устойчиви на екстремни външни температури, влага и вятър. Допринасят за спестяване на разход за електроенергия – през зимата за отопление на помещението, а през лятото – за охлаждане. Моторизирайте Вашите външни щори с автоматика на Somfy с IO или RTS мотор и си осигурете пълен комфорт и спокойствие. Чрез технологията на Somfy IO Home Control създайте сценарий за движение и симулирайте присъствие.
Sistema di finestra ai cardini di 60 mm, con un coefficiente di scambio termico di soli 0,9 W/m²K ottenuto grazie alla giunzione ed al design dei profili di alluminio, le barre tubolari di poliammide di 25 mm, le guarnizioni tubolari di tenuta stagna E.P.D.M. e un sistema di schiuma poliolefine fissata perimetralmente sul profilo di supporto del vetro.
Si possono utilizzare delle lastre diritte e smusse e bacchette diritte, smusse e curve.
C'è la possibilità di incorporare la ferramenta ai cardini nascosti.
Coefficiente d'isolamento termico - valore U
Uf fino a 1.5 W/m2K
Uw fino a 1,0 W/m2K (secondo la configurazione, le dimensioni ed il tipo di vetro)
Possibilità massima di vetrato: 48 mm
Coefficiente d'isolamento acustico di fino a Rw = 46 db
Sezioni: telaio – 60 mm, stipite – 70 mm
Spessore del profilo: finestra – 1,5 mm, porta – 1,7 mm
Lunghezza della sbarra in poliammide - 25 mm
Bulstores est aussi spécialiste dans la fabrication de fenêtres PVC et Aluminium. Que ce soit le PVC ou l’Aluminium, nous vous garantissons des produits haut de gamme dont la qualité saura satisfaire les attentes des clients les plus exigeants.
Les fenêtres PVC et Aluminium de Bulstores et les processus de fabrication que nous utilisons respectent toutes les normes et standards mondiaux. Nous avons des modèles avec des designs différents et des couleurs variées. Parmi nos partenaires vous trouverez SCHUCO, ProfiLink, Exalco.
Pour savoir davantage sur les caractéristiques techniques des fenêtres PVC et Aluminium Bulstores connaitre les spécificités de tous les matériaux que nous utilisons n’hésitez pas à rentrer en contact avec nous. Nos spécialistes vous informeront et vous assisteront dans votre choix.
An innovative solution is available to you. Maintain both the security and design of this door with its exemplary capabilities. An essential security element for your premises or building, this system with simplified and reinforced operating modes will provide complete satisfaction to all of your accesses. Harmony in the realization of your project thanks to this refined range which will complete your openings in this refined spirit of high standing.Resistance to impact from soft and heavy bodies CLASS 5 (max) // Resistance to repeated opening and closing (Reference test door 2.10 x 2.20 m. 1 leaf)
You will find further information at the attached pdf documents below or
ask us at bazanovaltd@gmail.com
Ролетните щори са изработени от 100% алумий, с ламели с полиуретанов пълнеж. Предпочитаният вид монтаж, за този вид щори, е челно пред профикла на дграмата или на фасатада, с цел запазване на светлият отвор.
Външно ролетните щори са устойчиви на екстремни външни температури, влага и вятър. Допринасят за спестяване на разход за електроенергия – през зимата за отопление на помещението, а през лятото – за охлаждане. Моторизирайте Вашите външни щори с автоматика на Somfy с IO или RTS мотор и си осигурете пълен комфорт и спокойствие. Чрез технологията на Somfy IO Home Control създайте сценарий за движение и симулирайте присъствие.
MIG ist ein hochwertiges bulgarisches Aluminium
Es können sowohl Fenster als auch Türen aus Aluminium hergestellt werden.
Der beste Vorteil ist der günstige Preis.
Für dieses Produkt ist eine Holzfärbung erhältlich.
Finestre in alluminio e PVC di alta qualità, profili e vetrate certificati UE.
Tutti i tipi di vetri e forme diverse.
Tutta la produzione è automatica e semi-automatica con macchine di ultima generazione.
La scelta perfetta per tutti coloro che apprezzano un elegante comfort d’ambiente. Salamander Streamline 76 garantisce un ottimo isolamento termico e acustico. Il profilo attraente non è soltanto l’accento estetico di ogni tipo di serramento, ma garantisce anche un maggiore benessere ed un consumo energetico considerevolmente ridotto.
Informazioni tecniche:
Profondita di costruzione - 76 mm;
Numero camere - 5;
Vetrocamera - fino a 48 mm;
Coefficiente d‘isolamento termico - 1.2 -1.3 W / m²K;
Isolamento acustico - 48 dB;
Numero guarnizioni – 2;
I principali vantaggi di mercato:
Prodotto in Germania;
Profili di classe A secondo la normativa europea EN 12608: 2003;
Lunga durata - oltre 60 anni;.
Resistente alla luce e altamente resistente alle influenze climatiche;
Design accattivante abbinato ad alta funzionalità;
Massima facilità di pulizia e manutenzione;
bianco brillante e superficie lucida;
Corvision, the meeting between the minimal aspect and the possibilities of your project. This solution proposed in all these variants brings us closer to the exact idea of our vision. A minimalist uniform covering for all of your needs whatever the criteria.Everything has been thought of down to the smallest detail. Speed of installation, ease of maintenance for a most remarkable result.
We have put our heart into releasing this range to suit all budgets.
Have you dreamed about it, we can make your dream come true!
You will find further information at the attached pdf documents below or
ask us at bazanovaltd@gmail.com
Fenêtres en PVC de qualité supérieure, profilés et vitrages certifiés UE.
„PROFILINK Premium“ еst un système à 5 chambres avec une profondeur du profilé de 70 mm pour la production de fenêtres en PVC de haute qualité. Ce système se caractérise par son beau dessin et la possibilité de rénover de vieilles fenêtres (à l’aide du dormant Renovation), ainsi que de montage des fenêtres sans la nécessité de travaux de finition (à l’aide du dormant Zet).
We import premium-quality timber, cladding, panels, wooden siding, battens, and boards from the most reputable manufacturers in Germany and Austria. These materials are primarily intended for three applications – structural, cladding, and garden. We deliver in Sofia district and throughout the country. In our timber warehouse, we maintain a wide range of cross-sections and lengths, and our extensive services accompanying the processing (cutting and impregnation) and installation of wooden structures make us a leader in the Bulgarian market with imported, high-quality, and certified materials.
Informazioni tecniche:
Coefficiente d'isolamento termico - valore U
Uw fino a 0,914 W/m2K (secondo la configurazione, le dimensioni ed il tipo di vetro)
Possibilità massima di vetrato: 36 mm
Coefficiente d'isolamento acustico di fino a Rw = 37 (-1;-2) db
Sezioni: telaio – 55 mm, anta – 63 mm
Lunghezza della sbarra in poliammide - 24 mm
Risultati in seguito alle prove:
Resistenza al carico generato dal vento (secondo EN 12210:2003): Classe C2
Tenuta stagna (secondo EN 12208:2003): Classe 9A e 7B
Permeabilità dell'aria (secondo EN 12207:2003): Classe 4
* Possibilità bicolore
* Colori RAL
* Vernice imitazione legno
The BluEvolution profile with a construction depth of 82 mm combines outstanding energy savings and innovative sealing technology at the highest level. This makes it ideally suited as a passive house component. The use of special heat-optimized frame and sash constructions in conjunction with heat-insulating triple glazing with integrated, thermally improved edge seal ensures optimum savings on heating and energy costs.
The BluEvolution 92 profile system combines cutting-edge technology with a modern, functional design to create a new generation of first-class windows. The optimized 6-chamber construction with a basic depth of 92 mm provides outstanding thermal insulation and the best energy efficiency. Combined with a slim face width of only 118 mm, solar gains through high light incidence and the ecological sustainability of a 100% recyclable PVC-U.
You will find further information at the attached pdf documents below or
ask us at bazanovaltd@gmail.com
Zusätzlich zu Ihrer Bestellung können Sie Moskitonetze für Fenster auswählen.
Wir bieten:
Standard-Moskitonetz mit Scharnier;
Schiebenetz, ein feines Moskitosystem;
Il nuovo sistema della porta alzante scorrevole ha un maggiore isolamento termico di tutte le varietà di porte scorrevole con valori imbattibili di trasmissione (UH), cominciando da 0,9 (W/m²K).
Coefficiente d'isolamento termico - valore U
Uw fino a 0,9 W/m2K (secondo la configurazione, le dimensioni ed il tipo di vetro)
Possibilità massima di vetrato: 55 mm
Coefficiente d'isolamento acustico di fino a Rw = 43 db
Sezioni: telaio – 160,6 mm oppure 251 mm (telaio con 3 vie di scorrimento), stipite – 70 mm
Spessore del profilo: porta – 2 mm
Lunghezza della sbarra in poliammide - telaio: 35 mm, stipite: 24 mm
Dimensioni massime per la costruzione (L*H): 6700mm*3200mm (porta a 2 battenti, scorrevole)
Peso massimo/lastra: 400 kg
Risultati in seguito alle prove:
Resistenza al carico generato dal vento (secondo EN 12210:2000): Classe C5
Tenuta stagna (secondo EN 12208:2000): Classe 9A
Permeabilità dell'aria (secondo EN 12207:2000): Classe 4
Fenêtres en PVC de qualité supérieure, profilés et vitrages certifiés UE.
Toutes sortes de virages et formes différentes. Volet roulant rénovation ou Monobloc, électrique avec télécommande, avec boîte en PVC ou en ALU
Matériel de haute qualité Maco, Romb Dynamic.
Toute la production est automatique et semi-automatique avec des machines de dernière génération.
As standard, our windows are made with Maco Multi Matic KS:
three security pins corresponding to RC1 burglary resistance class.
blocking against wrong maneuver of the handle and lifting of the sash when closing.
micro ventilation built into the rebate for tilt and turn opening windows
The IV 68 system is suitable for mild climate or for buildings for seasonal occupancy. Usually this system is used for buildings-monuments of culture, as well as for public buildings.
This is also the most budget option for wooden joinery.
Profile thickness (sash and frame): 68 mm
Sash profile width: 68 mm
Frame profile width: 80 mm
You will find further information at the attached pdf documents below or
ask us at bazanovaltd@gmail.com
A solution accessible to all. This product line will give you complete satisfaction both in terms of its design and its price. It has multiple possibilities regarding its finish. Various coloring and handle aesthetic options. This GALANDAGE version is offered with frames with 1 and 2 rails to allow the design of windows and patio doors with 1 , 2 and 4 sash. A full opening by completely hiding the sashes inside the adjacent walls allows you to obtain a 100% opening surface.
You will find further information at the attached pdf documents below or
ask us at bazanovaltd@gmail.com
„Profilink Premium“ è un sistema a 5 camere con profondità di profilo 70 mm per la produzione di finestre in PVC di alta qualità. Questo sistema si distingue per il bel design e la capacità di rinnovare le vecchie finestre (con telaio Renovation), e di installare finestre senza la necessità di lavori di rifinitura (con telaio Zet).
Außenrollläden und Garagentore aus Aluminium
Aluminium-Lamellensystem mit einer Breite von 50 bis 65 mm, gefüllt mit Polyurethanschaum für eine gute Isolierung.
Außenjalousien – Möglichkeit für Aluminiumkasten ohne Wärmebrücke.
Möglichkeit für Aluminium ohne Wärmebrücke und gute Isoliereigenschaften oder PVC-Kasten – für Monoblock-Jalousien. Bei Jalousien mit Außenmontage besteht der Kasten ausschließlich aus Aluminium.
Eine große Auswahl an RAL-Farben und Holzstandardfarben. Vollständige Automatisierungsfähigkeit mit Somfy-Motoren und Licht-, Regen- und Windsensoren.